Maybe it sounds a bit absurd, because I should be me (or should I?) but if you think about it, it's not so easy to be you in a society full of judgements and stereotypes. And I'm not talking about a particular society, I'm talking about the human condition in general. We all have stereotypes and everything is a judgement. And I ask myself, what would my life be like if I managed to eliminate all the judgements I have about everything and everyone? To be Me, from my point of view, is to face society without disguises, masks or covers. Naked, with my expectations, desires, preferences and choices available for all to see. But without becoming rebellious, or good, or any extreme you can think of. It's simply asking for what I want, doing it and getting it, without taking no for an answer, but also without clinging to a specific outcome, because I now understand that the universe has different ways of giving me what I want. I started this blog to share my adventures as...